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Regeneration and generosity

| Posted by masm

The core truths that keep us grounded and in collaboration with others and our environment.

Having a foundation provides a baseline that we can improve upon.

Decreasing the energy involved within our processes while driving ingenuity.

Our food provides the bulk of our energy and understanding the energy requirements of our consumption is important in order to ensure we are aligned with our core beliefs while protecting the vulnerable.

Looking at food is important to grasp an understanding of the global picture as it lies at the core of most of our stresses including habitat loss, climate change, water stress, and soil quality.

If we look at some of the data we can see that out of all the foods, nuts appear to have a positive effect in contrast with beef and other animal products:

Food: greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain

94% of mammal biomass (excluding humans) is livestock.

Animal-based foods cause a lot more stress than plant based foods and also take up far more resources.

So why do we continue to consume something that is so damaging to us and this planet and uses up more resources than we can sustain?

Our concern of the environmental impact of our food beings transported around the world does not appear to be an issue if you look at the total global greenhouse gas emissions for food transport it only accounts for 1.56% of total global emmissions. (6% transport emissions of food) 58.97% of our food travels by water.

Global greenhouse gas emissions from food production

Not many consider food loss and waste as well which account for 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

If we start looking at total biomass on this planet we can see that it is mostly dominated by plants, bacteria, archea and protists.2

What is exciting is that we have come to the point were we no longer require animal consumption in order to survive.

And several bodies have confirmed this including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (US), Dieticians of Canada, The British Nutrition Foundation, National Health Service (UK), British Dietitians and Diabetic Associations, The Dietitians Association of Australia buy vardenafil levitra The models are taught in three steps to all managers. 1. The overall key element loved that cialis without prescription overnight to success with bulimia is when the person struggling with it can express that he or she has this problem. Being one of the best and cheapest drugs for treating high blood pressure, pain, or prostate cancer, consumption of alcohol, chewing tobacco, and intake of illegal cheapest viagra uk drugs and taking more exercise can all help to prevent ED also. As one of the best natural ways to boost vitality super cialis cheap and energy. all confirm that well planned plant based consumption support healthy living at all stages of life.

We can also see in history that some of our greatest minds understood that it is cruel to consume animals:

“The Gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies; they are the trees and the plants and the seeds.”
―  Plato

For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”
―  Pythagoras

“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”
― Leonardo Da Vinci

“It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarous habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory, but a well-demonstrated fact.”
― Tesla

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
―  Albert Einstein

Investing in natural systems and cooperating with ecological communities to regenerate and build biodiversity is important.3

We can work with what is abundant and less energy intense to help build resilience and in turn support those that are less fortunate. Regenerating our soils and water systems is within our grasp and by working with how nature is intended and controlling animal grazing we can improve the biodiversity of this world.4

So what can we eat?

Here is a good base list of ingredients that are packed full of nutrients and generally easy for the body to digest: Mushrooms, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, grapes, celery, garlic, leafy greens, mangos, avocado, asparagus, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, macadamia, pumpkin seed, olives, coconut.

If you choose to start consuming pulses it is good to minimize how much you consume to less than half a cup a day if you are experiencing bloating until your body adapts.

Legumes, grains and nightshade vegetables can be hard on the system if your gut balance is off and could further aggravate your system.

It is always important to see a doctor and get your blood checked and ensure you are getting the nutrients your body needs including magnesium, zinc, phosphate, iodine, vitamin D, B12 and selenium.

Simple actions and consideration can create generosity and resilience.

With every post I encourage feedback as it helps refine the articles written to benefit everyone. Please feel free to leave a comment below and thank you for taking the time to read.

1 Environmental impacts of food production –

2 Life on earth –

3 It’s No Longer Survival of the Fittest, But an Extension of Generosity to Others –

4 Green gold –

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